7 Good Minutes — Self Improvement Podcast

7 Good Minutes -- Self Improvement Podcast
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7 Good Minutes — Self Improvement Podcast

The Daily Self-Improvement Podcast for Busy High Achievers, hosted by Clyde Lee Dennis. 7 Good Minutes is your place to get self-improvement tips, life skills training, and the the inspiration you need as you work toward achieving your goals. Learn new things, gain helpful insights, and get motivated to make positive changes in your life. New episode every day 7 days each week!

7 Good Minutes: Extra - Giving is an expression of...

In today's episode of 7 Good Minutes: Extra, we explore the profound wisdom of the quote, "Giving is an expression of gratitude for our blessings," unraveling how generosity enriches both the giver and receiver. 

Join us for a thoughtful journey into the heart of gratitude and giving.

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Gratitude and Generosity: Spreading Positivity

In today's heartwarming episode of 7 Good Minutes, we delve into the uplifting themes of "Gratitude and Generosity: Spreading Positivity." Join us as we explore how embracing these powerful virtues can enhance your life and ripple out to touch the lives of others. 

Learn about the profound impact that practicing gratitude and extending generosity can have on your mental well-being and how they collectively foster a more positive, fulfilling existence. 

Discover actionable ways to cultivate these qualities in your daily life, leading to stronger relationships, heightened happiness, and an overall more compassionate world. 

Tune in to embrace the transformative journey of gratitude and generosity and learn how to become a beacon of positivity in your community. 

Enjoy this exploration of how simple acts of kindness and appreciation can make a world of difference.
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7 Good Minutes: Extra - Always believe something wonderful is...

In today’s episode of 7 Good Minutes: Extra, we explore the transformative power of optimism through the quote, "Always believe something wonderful is about to happen." 

Uncover how this mindset can shape your daily experiences and lead to a fulfilling life. Join us as we delve into the positive impacts of anticipation and expectation.

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Wellbeing Wednesday: The Power of Positive Morning Routines

In today’s Wellbeing Wednesday segment of 7 Good Minutes, we awaken to the "Power of Positive Morning Routines." Start your day off right by discovering how a thoughtfully crafted morning routine can set the tone for a successful, fulfilling day. 

Join us as we explore the transformative impact of integrating positive practices into your morning rituals, from mindfulness meditation to goal-setting exercises. 

Learn how these routines can boost your energy, focus, and overall happiness, providing you with the momentum to tackle the day's challenges with enthusiasm and resilience. 

Whether you’re looking to revamp your current morning habits or establish new ones, this episode offers the inspiration and guidance you need to create a morning routine that empowers and uplifts you. 

Enjoy the journey towards morning mastery and the extraordinary difference it can make in your daily wellbeing.

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and share it with a friend or two!

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7 Good Minutes: Extra - You can't use up creativity. The more you use...

In today's episode of 7 Good Minutes: Extra, we delve into the profound wisdom of the quote, "You can't use up creativity. 

The more you use, the more you have." Join us as we uncover the boundless nature of creativity and learn how to tap into this inexhaustible resource for personal growth and innovation.

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